Project Team Parietal

Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Parietal

Application Domains
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: New Results

A probabilistic framework to infer brain functional connectivity from anatomical connections

We present a novel probabilistic framework to learn across several subjects a mapping from brain anatomical connectivity to functional connectivity, i.e. the covariance structure of brain activity. This prediction problem must be formulated as a structured-output learning task, as the predicted parameters are strongly correlated. We introduce a model selection framework based on cross-validation with a parametrization-independent loss function suitable to the manifold of covariance matrices. Our model is based on constraining the conditional independence structure of functional activity by the anatomical connectivity. Subsequently, we learn a linear predictor of a stationary multivariate autoregressive model. This natural parameterization of functional connectivity also enforces the positive-definiteness of the predicted covariance and thus matches the structure of the output space. Our results show that functional connectivity can be explained by anatomical connectivity on a rigorous statistical basis, and that a proper model of functional connectivity is essential to assess this link. See also [20] and Fig. 5 .

Figure 5. Identifying structural connections associated with the default mode network. With yellow is represented the lateral parietal cortex, green areas represent the posterior cingulate gyrus (PCC ), blue and light blue represent the medial prefrontal and orbito-frontal areas, respectively. The right model performs much better in terms of cross-validated data likelihood.